Book Your Strategy Session

Book your one-hour strategy session with Tiffanie for just $97. The value of your session will far exceed the investment.

Now Booking: Keynote Speaking & Training

Most Requested Topics:

    • MAWBA – Might as Well Be Awesome

    • YOU – The Importance of Self-investment

    • The P.A.U.S.E. – Slowing Down to Level Up

    • The Power of Words – Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams

    • Building Your MBA – Mentors for Life and Business

Click below to access the intake form to get started!


One-on-one or group coaching is available. Specialties include:

  • Personal one-on-one assistance
  • Leadership
  • Business development

Most Requested Topics:

  • The P.A.U.S.E. – Signature Coaching Course*
  • Mindset Shifting
  • Strategic Life Planning
  • P.A.U.S.E., Pivot, Perform
  • Building Your MBA – Mentors for Life and Business

* The P.A.U.S.E. method is the only 5-tired personal development program that educates people on how to slow down to that they can level up. This system focuses on prioritized self-care, affirming self-talk, usurping/reclaiming your power, strategic life planning, and then executing/achieving that life plan. 

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